Our Team
Co-founder and Creative Director
Raquel Rodrigues
- 31 years old cute redhead
- She loves unicorns and mermaids
- And she was a fox in another life! Can you believe it?!
- Defends all the animals as equals and doesn't eat any
- Heath Ledger VS Leonardo Dicaprio (she will never be able to pick just one of them)
- Owner of a sketchbook full of little and expressive croquis
- Creative mind + big willpower + agile body + soft voice
- Biggest dream: meet Tom Odell (and he ask her to marry him, hopefully)
- Banana VS Avocado (she will never be able to pick just one of them either!)
By Sofia Rodrigues
Marie Sztana
Hi, I am the intern.
Watching a lot of cartoons and reading a lot of comics (primarily DC, but a Marvel girl when it comes to the films) has given me a strong sense of moral justice. So, I have dedicated my life to saving the planet. A natural transition in my opinion.
I also carry a random knowledge and interest in Greek mythology. Other than for cool collection titles not sure where I am ever going to use this.
If there was a biography about my life it would be called “Great ideas terrible execution”, something I was told by my university lecturer. To this day, I still think it’s one of the most accurate things ever said about me.
Even though I am extremely dyslexic I also enjoy writing about sustainability issues (shameless nod towards my blog posts).
I like to think my skills in life include sewing, zero-waste pattern cutting, natural dying, knowing every episode of ‘Friends’ by heart and charming sarcasm.
If we ever meet in person, count on a passionate speech about sustainability - guaranteed, even if you did not ask for it.
Co-founder and Creative Director
Sofia Rodrigues
- 31 years old babe
- She loves Batman and Loki
- She is creative and has lots of good ideas!
- Her favourite colour is white
- Super Power: being everywhere at the same time. This girl had three jobs simultaneously and even so she found time to be with friends and family and no one would even noticed. That's a great super power or not ?! Or her day has more than 24 hours?
- Clean and minimal style are her thing
- You have to blame Mr Darcy for her high standards in men
- She is Years and Years's no. 1 fan!
By Raquel Rodrigues